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Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation Update on my mindfulness meditation practice. I have been getting better at trying to clear my mind of thoughts and just listen to sounds around me as I attempt to listen to my breathing. The practice of mindfulness has helped in other aspects...

Becoming Debt Free

Becoming Debt Free I was so close to the debt-free land. I was just twenty-three thousand away. I could have been debt-free by the end of this year. Instead, I decided that my kids and I should be happy instead. I was struggling in my marriage and decided that ending...


There is something to be said about having no clutter around the house. It helps you have organization, know where things are, have focus and so much more. I have been trying lately when I get a package or the mail to go through it right away and take care of the...


What exactly is mindfulness? Sometimes I wonder what this even means. Here I have selected this as part of my website name and my Facebook page name yet do I even know what it means. There are many online definitions. So how should we take them? One says it is...

Living with Less of Everything

I started my true minimalism journey a few months ago by going through clothes, nik naks, books, dishes, and decorations.  I have to say I began by just listening to pod casts by people who practice minimalism, watched documentaries, listened to TED talks, and read a...


As my life has changed drastically in the last few months, I have been reflecting on my relationships with everything in my life. I have recently ended my marriage and decided to put my dog to rest in the last 2 months. It’s when our lives take a new turn, we reflect...